Thursday, December 01, 2005

Vitamin "C"

Living on Robinson Street was the first time, and the only time, for that matter, that we Layton children experienced city dwelling. Neighbors to your left, neighbors to your right, you could see neighbors any time, day or night.

Having a curious watchful eye, such as I, I never missed very much. One beautiful sunny afternoon I watched as a neighbor left her home. Pretty soon she returned with an arm load of grocery bags. She must have forgotten something, for she placed the bags on her front step and left again. Silly woman.

I sauntered on over to see what was in the bags. Yup, just as I thought, groceries. I was kind of peeking around to see what kind of good stuff she had. I wasn't going to touch anything. I knew better. Then I spotted them, so colorful, so pretty, smelt so good and there were so many. Oranges! I loooved oranges. I probably couldn't count real good yet, I was only four years old, but I knew there were lots.

It stood to reason, to me, that if I dared to eat one, and only one, that nobody would ever know. I looked all around to see if anyone was watching. Nope, no one. I reached in the bag, ever so easy, I put my fat little hand on the first orange I came to, and took possession of it. I peeled and ate it. Oh was it good. One more would never be noticed. The peeling pile was piling up. I still craved more oranges, so I reached in the bag one more time. To my surprise, I had eaten all of them.

Again the ending of this story is foggy, but I do know the lady came home. I was caught, and once again Mother was notified of my wrong doings. But, in my defense, we all have been told time and time again that we all need vitamin "C" to be healthy...right?


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